Pestal roses Bunch
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Florist Ivanhoe

Want flowers delivered straight to your door? Zeneli Flowers are the leading online florist for Brunswick locals. We have an incredible range of styles, sizes, colours and varieties to complement any special occasion. You can find it all right here online, whether you need the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, something to celebrate an anniversary, wedding, birthday, or any other special occasion.

Look through our categories, choose your favourite colours and check out all current sales and discounts. Once an order is placed, we will ensure that it arrives at your door within quick turnaround.

Online Flower Delivery in Ivanhoe

You don’t have to visit a florist in Ivanhoe to purchase a great bouquet of flowers. Thanks to Zeneli, this can all be done from the comfort of your very own home. All flowers featured on our online store are available for delivery within a quick turnaround.

To makes things even easier, we have purpose made categories for all types of celebrations, commiserations, and expressions of love. If you happen to be in the Carlton North area, we also have a dedicated Drive Thru store ready to take on your orders.

Explore it all today and make your first purchase. We can also deliver to Port Melbourne, Melbourne CBD, North Melbourne and East Melbourne.

Zeneli Flowers Shop



Special occasions

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Birthday & Wedding Flowers – Delivery for Ivanhoe Locals

Looking for the perfect birthday or wedding present? Zeneli Flowers have everything you need right here online. We have a wide selection of custom made flower bunches, bouquets and arrangements in both modern and classic styles. All products featured online also come with swift same day delivery direct to your door.

Flowers are a timeless gift that are sure to make an excellent impression. If you would like to arrange a custom gift package, please contact the Zeneli Flowers team today on (03) 9388 2630. You can also reach us via email on

Zeneli Flowers Shop

Reward Points for Online Flower Delivery Customers in Ivanhoe

The Zeneli Flowers rewards points system gives discounts and deals to our repeat customers. This gives you tangible rewards after each purchase made. Follow this link and learn more about our ongoing points system now.

Make your first order with Zeneli Flowers today – the number online florist for Ivanhoe locals.

Zeneli Flowers Shop